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Alexander ChrapatchowGeboren am 29. Dezember 1981 in er Millionenstadt Charkiw in der Ukraine, wächs..
A significant part of the artist’s masterpieces is represented by still-life paintings. In painting ..
Andrey Chebotaru Ukrainian artist, landscape oil painter, the famous master of plein-air painting. B..
Boris LitowtchenkoAbout myself and my artworks Based on a realistic painting school, Borys Lytovchen..
Heinz Neumann wird am 9. Februar 1931 im damaligen Wüstewaltersdorf in Schlesien geboren, das heute ..
Milovzorov, Jahrgang 1938, macht seinen Abschluss an Sankt Petersburger Kunst- undIndustrie-Akademie..
Nina Nikonenko is an Ukrainian artist, working in the field of fine art in the genres of landscape, ..
Patrick Mougeot Der 1960 geborene Patrick Mougeot stammt aus Châlons-en-Champagne, Frankreich. ..
Petro Lebedinec1956 in der Ukraine geboren, erhält Petro Lebedinec seine künstlerische Ausbildung zw..
Svitlana is a Ukrainian artist, painter.She was born in Kyiv in 1978.1989-1993 studied in the Art Sc..
Natalia was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine, in 1978.In 1993-1998, she studied at the Kharkiv Academy..
Volodymyr VeshtakWas born 23.10.1954. Graduated from the Kyiv state art institute (1983). Teachers o..